
The campsite is situated in a very peaceful spot 920m (2790 feet) above sea level at the very end of the Lauterbrunnen Valley.

By car
Interlaken - Wilderswil - Zweilütschinen - Lauterbrunnen - Stechelberg. The campsite is located 300 meters after the post office on the right hand side.

By train
Take the train from Interlaken to Lauterbrunnen. There, change to the bus (Postauto) to Stechelberg. The bus station is located directly beside the campsite.

Fore more information about the train and bus timetable please visit the following website:

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Camping Rütti 

Toni und Sylvia von Allmen

3824 Stechelberg 


Tel +41 (0)33 855 28 85

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